Enabling Virtual visits for Leading Urgent Care Provider 

In this case study, PeerIslands assisted a urgent care solutions provider by designing a front door solution, utilizing MongoDB charts to deliver operational analytics and develop a custom telemedicine solution to enable virtual visits.


>3 Months

MVP delivered in less than 3 months

20%+ Thoughtput

20% additional patient throughput

650 Visits

App has been used to handle 650K visits in 2022

4.8 Stars

Google review improved from 4.5 to 4.8 due to seamless user experience

Additional Service

Platform enables additional services to employers for workplace injuries and improved data visibility


  • Demand for urgent care exploded during the pandemic, and urgent care clinics have become critical components in the healthcare services value chain.

  • Urgent care solutions provider’s key strategic goal is to capitalize on this demand to become one of the largest urgent care providers. 

  • However, pandemic-driven surge for urgent care exposed multiple issues in Urgent care solutions provider’s operations like no digital engagement with patients, no telemedicine solution, poor operational insights to manage business, lack of unified view of business.

  • Concerned about Urgent care solutions provider’s suboptimal technology infrastructure, and fragmented technology investments, the executive team invited PeerIslands to define and execute a modern technology strategy. 

  • Designed and delivered a digital front door solution utilizing Azure PaaS, MERN Stack, Flowable and Twilio.

  • Developed a custom telemedicine solution to enable virtual visits.

  • Utilized MongoDB charts to deliver operational analytics​.

  • Real time integration with Urgent care solutions provider’s EMR systems utilizing Kafka.

  • Building out a modern platform that integrated operational data with payments, marketing, EMR and RCM data.
“Client/PeerIslands Project Leader Testimonial Placeholder lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ri flor consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod temporil et in consetetur sadipscing elitr.”
Company and Designation


  • Designed and delivered a digital front door solution utilizing Azure PaaS, MERN Stack, Flowable and Twilio.
  • Developed a custom telemedicine solution to enable virtual visits.
  • Utilized MongoDB charts to deliver operational analytics​.
  • Real time integration with Urgent care solutions provider’s EMR systems utilizing Kafka.

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