Modernization at a Leading Australian Bank

PeerIslands worked with MongoDB and Google Cloud to accelerate modernization using Generative AI. Bank’s legacy application were built on legacy Java, Stored Procedures in SQL Server and IBM Message Queues.


3X Speed

3X ​design acceleration to come up with microservices

10X Developement Speed

8X to 10X​ development acceleration demonstrated

4 Weeks

4 weeks ​​self-enablement of teams to do planning and designs​ of future applications

2 Weeks

2 Weeks ​to complete analysis vs. 6 Weeks or more


  • Customer looking to migrate their legacy Application which provide branch banking functionality to agencies via VPN Internet access. 

  • Develop a validation solution with Generative AI to craft acceptance test cases, facilitating comparisons between old and new code bases.

  • Formulate an incremental design strategy for the application, transitioning towards a microservices architecture.

  • PeerIslands worked with MongoDB to ​conduct a comprehensive analysis of an existing application, encompassing 5 million lines of code across 1000+ source files (HTML, Java, JSP), utilizing Generative AI technology.

  • Leveraging analyzed data to design an incremental transformation strategy towards achieving the desired target state.

  • Enabled customer teams on AI assisted development to support future migration approach.

  • Utilizing AI-powered tools for comprehensive analysis of a code base maintained over 20 years, spanning 11+ projects.

“Client/PeerIslands Project Leader Testimonial Placeholder lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ri flor consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod temporil et in consetetur sadipscing elitr.”
Company and Designation


  • PeerIslands worked with MongoDB to ​conduct a comprehensive analysis of an existing application, encompassing 5 million lines of code across 1000+ source files (HTML, Java, JSP), utilizing Generative AI technology.
  • Leveraging analyzed data to design an incremental transformation strategy towards achieving the desired target state.
  • Enabled customer teams on AI assisted development to support future migration approach.
  • Utilizing AI-powered tools for comprehensive analysis of a code base maintained over 20 years, spanning 11+ projects.

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